Election Results of 2013



Monday, January 2, 2012

Angels bay razed to ashes

A hotel was reduced to ashes in the early afternoon today. Angels bay, a luxurious tourist hotel sitting on the shores of Indian ocean in Mambrui, Margarini district, Kilifi county was reduced to ashes by the afternoon fire that was believed to have started from the hotel’s laundry and spread to the other parts of the hotel. The fire that started at around 1.45pm EAT blazed through the rest of the building which is just about 50 meters from Mambrui police post.

According to Mr. kazungu who witnessed as fire gushed through the makuti roof of the hotel down to the last pillars of the building said “The fire could not be easily controlled due to strong winds that were blowing by the time of the incident”. “It was just like a nightmare; I had just taken lunch and was in my house with my wife when I saw black smoke covering the sun” said kazungu whose house is about 300 meters from the hotel. We rushed to the scene just to find out that it was the Angels bay on fire and people were trying to salvage the situation as they tried to pull away things that were in the hotel.

Kazungu who like many locals in this small town depend entirely on visitors said it is so bad that this has happened at a time when tourism season is expected to pick. Our lives here will be harder after this incident”. Kazungu Wondered aloud. “We expected the rains to do wonders but were disappointed when it didn’t rain and now our main source of income has gone beyond ashes”.

Angel bay has a capacity of 150 visitors when full though at the time of the incident only 51 visitors had checked in. all the visitors were moved to safety to various hotels.

By the time we went to press, Malindi airport fire department had not managed to keep the fire under control. No casualties reported yet.

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